
Gabe Munoeke diarie

(ACB TAU player)
"For those keeping track... We lost to Joventut in the Spanish Cup. No. That doesn't mean we're done. It was an in-season tourney of the top eight teams. The ACB championship is yet to come. Rudy Fernandez seemed to have a hard time missing as his hands were dipped in petrol - which I feel should be illegal. But as it is legal, he had 32. Next, they had a young fella, Ricky Rubio. He joined in the act. OK, not really but him doing his thing wasn't the real issue more so is the fact he's like 12 years old. The kid can go. I swear I'm going to find one of his behind-the-back dribble moves and personally put it on Youtube. A reporter asked me if I agreed with some other player that he was protected. Hell, if I know I just got here. But I can tell you this... He doesn't need it. Look him up, the little termite can go."

Comment by Lupe:
"I remembered that had some footage of Ricky, he's pretty good for a kid his age or any age for that matter. Sadly, I am miffed that Rudy Fernandez is going to the Blazers; if they continue signing/drafting well, they have the makings of a possible championship contender/dynasty in a few years..." If Lupe tells it must be true.

Two caricatures and a cartoon are coming. You may see the first advance of the cartoon in a comment of Lizzy below

I have until sunday to send comments to the cartoonist to improve that work. Please, help me, so he can do better his work (comments including parts of the faces that can be better designed or any other idea). The text will be: "Sorry Nate, I gave birth triplets again", or something similar).