
Issue: Team Speed

I want to touch on something that I am pretty sure is an issue, but I'm not sure how big a problem it is for the Blazers.

Our guys are slow.

Not slow as in Shaq-like but we only have two players who are fast for their position, Aldridge and Outlaw. Sergio is probobly the next fastest relative to position.

It's been widely assumed that Oden's arrival will help us get easy baskets since his rebounding will help start the break. I'm sure this will help but I wonder how much it will help since we don't have many guys who can outrun their man.

Perhaps Oden's presence will allow Aldridge to take off on the break instead of staying to crash the boards? Maybe Rudy gets some easy buckets?

The other thing is that Oden is fast for a center. That means our big men will be the guys most capable of beating their man down the court.

I'm rambling here so I want to turn it over to you. Please help me answer a few questions:

  1. Are our players slow (relative to their position) or is it just me?
  2. How much of a problem is this?
  3. Will the arrival of Oden and Rudy be enough to help us get more easy baskets or does something else need to change?