
Why would NOH trade for Bonzi Wells?

The headline to ESPN's article reads, "Trade allows Hornets, Rockets to keep up with West shakers" (

The Hornets had a good thing going. Why would Bonzi Wells be added to any roster where there's a possibility for success? Well, according to Hornets general manager Jeff Bower (via ESPN article):

"We wanted to add a little bit of presence on our bench in the form of players who could give us some scoring punch," Hornets general manager Jeff Bower said. "This trade dramatically improves our team by giving us proven veteran scorers at the backup guard and swing positions."

I agree with Jeff Bower in terms of the "scoring punch." Bonzi will both score and throw some punches. Then I love the second half of the quote where he says "dramatically improves our team"... Bonzi wells 'dramatically' improving a team? Bowers is right to use the adjectives scoring, punch, and drama (from dramatically), but the word improve doesn't at all fit with Wells. Bonzi Wells will score, punch and add a lot of drama, but this guy is sour grapes for any team.

I feel bad for not only the Hornets, but the fans now also, that they have to put up with someone like Bonzi. I think Houston's Rick Adelman didn't tolerate Bonzi for a second, and thus shipped him out. This deal is a steal for the Rockets. If anything, it allows them to keep up with the "West shakers"... Houston possibly now has enough solid chemistry to make a run at the conference playoff finals, pending health.