
A plan to shorten the regular season

I wish the playoffs were starting now. Who needs the next 25-28 games? Especially the way the Blazers are playing.

Here's what I'd like to see:

* Each team plays two games against each of the other 29 teams, for total of 58 games.

* Each team plays two more games against each division rival, for a total of 8 games and a combined total of 66 games.

That's only 16 fewer games than the current 82-game schedule. The season would end in mid-March, just before the NCAA tournament begins. When the NCAAs are over, that's when the NBA playoffs would be entering the second round where the action starts getting serious.

With only 66 games, the regular NBA season would mean more. Each game would be more important. The players could expend more energy during the regular season games. Players would stay fresher and have less chance of injury from fatigue; in fact, fewer games means less chance of injury, period.

The playoffs used to be a total of three series, now there are four. Factor in preseason games, and the teams that make it into the finals could potentially play as many as 118 games in one season. Talk about shortening a player's career...

A shorter season would also create more interest in players playing in the World Games and Olympics, since they would be getting more rest during the summer.

I know the league and the players' union would never agree to a shorter schedule if it means less revenue, but that might not happen. Fewer games means fewer expenses, and with a shorter season, teams might find they sell as many tickets over 33 home games as they do over 41. Teams that are already selling-out each game could increase ticket prices. Accountants would have to work it all out, but a 66-game schedule might turn out to be nearly as profitable as the current schedule.

Finally, the fans of losing teams with no chance at the playoffs would be put out of their misery sooner.

Sixty-six games, Mr. Stern, that's all I ask.