
I Blame The Coaches

I blame all the coaches for the losing, not just Nate. They players have enough to worry about, so I put the current losses squarely on the shoulders of the coaching staff. I imagine they are overworked by Nate, so maybe he should take 68.35% of the blame.

Here is what I am thinking, they already have a Strength and Conditioning Coach,Bobby Medina, and a Shooting Coach,John Townsend. I think all that the Blazers need are a few more coaches. I mean if two musicians can coach workouts and shooting, why can't the Blazers look outside the box and hire a few more coaches?

Dave pointed out in an open thread that they Blazers need to be more scrappy. Why not hireScrappy-Dooas the Scrappy Coach? He has not done much in years, so I am sure he is available.

You know what else is missing on the roster? I'll tell you what is missing, it is the killer instinct. Give me one good reason, why they should not hireO.J. Simpson, as the Killer Instinct Coach? I am pretty sure Simpson is looking for work, any work.

Dave alsonotedyesterday, that they are getting out hustled, why not hire the creator of Hustler magazine,Larry Flynt, to teach this team some hustle? Flynt should be the Blazers Hustle Coach.

I am sure they need additional coached. Those are just the coaches that came to me off the top of my head.