
Looks like it's that time again!

TRADE MACHINE time, that is! (

Yes, the Blazers have lost a few games recently. And although the trade deadline has passed, that doesn't mean we can't FREAK OUT about the recent losses and try to get rid of everyone not named LMA, Roy or Oden!

I'll post a couple to get us started:

Here's a fun one with Chicago: p;te=&cash

A one-for-one swap with Seattle:

A trade that would say yes, Miami is finally ready to admit to a rebuilding effort: 22~22~22~22~14~14~14&te=&cash

And finally, what's a Trade Machine thread without a four-team blockbuster? 9~813~901~2768~550&teams=22~18~18~18~22~17~22~3~22~18~18~3~17&te&cash=

This last one's my favorite. The Blazers get Chris Paul, David Lee, Renaldo Balkman and Nenad Krstic, and give up nothing but DWB Jarrett Jack and Darius Miles! Best of all, it rescues our good friend Freddy Jones from NYC. This is the kind of Pritch-slap the league has been waiting for since... well, since the draft, I guess.

What about you? What crazy Trade Machine goodness can you come up with to improve our poor, poor Blazers?