
Stop The Madness: Jack and Blake in the back court does not work!

How many games has it been going on already?

Jack and Blake in the backcourt together simply does not work. Neither offensively and ESPECIALLY not defensively.

Both are too slow and too short to rotate over to the average [think Ray Allen 6'5-6'6] shooting guard. The Celtics went off for 14-21 on 3pt tonight.

Stop for a second and think about that percentage - you are lucky to shoot that in a single quarter on ALL field goals. Hell, lately, Portland's FT% would be lucky to sniff 14-21.

How many times did Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and James Posey just shoot over one of our guards? Even Roy is too small to consistently rotate over and get a hand in their face.

The entire point in starting Jack alongside Blake was to turn Martell into that James Jones spark-plug off the bench, right? Then run some damn plays for him!

Roy is also not quick enough to guard most SFs in this league, so why play small ball? This team does not run - never has consistently, so go big, or go home. Right now, Portland is going home early.

Start Webster or start Outlaw and move Roy back to his natural position. Please.

PS: Come back to us James Jones and cure all these ills!