
Oden and Rudy

I'm sort of piggy backing off of usmcr3049's diary "It has come down to this..." with this topic. There's been a lot of talk about how Oden and Rudy are going to fix a lot of our glaring weaknesses...i.e. interior defense/rebounding and running.

Just to play devil's advocate, what happens if Oden and Rudy only turn out to be mediocre players?

What if instead of Oden becoming the next Bill Russell he's more like Joel? Or Rudy instead of becoming the next Ginobili he's more like Martell? This is totally possible. Neither of these guys have played a minute of NBA basketball, yet many of us are annointing them major impact players on the Blazers. How do we know they are going to deliver? Many guys who excelled on the international level have struggled in the NBA. Many guys who were hyped in college have struggled in the NBA. The point is, it's happened before...and often.

With that being said, how confident are you that Oden and Rudy are going to join the team next season and be the missing pieces for a championship run? As usmcr3049 pointed out in his diary, our current roster has just a few championship contending team players, and probably just 2 starters (Roy and Aldridge) unless you count Oden. So should KP and company sit back and wager that Oden and Rudy are going to fix many of the problems we have this season or should they aggressively go after players who are going to fill in our weaknesses?