对于所有有先见之明,能够预见和预测开拓者未来动向的球迷们,我想写这篇日记。最大的转会将在2009年夏天进行,那时拉法伦齐和弗朗西斯的合同将到期。也希望迈尔斯在那之前退休或被交易。但2009年夏天将会发生什么,关键就在这个夏天。让我们从草案开始。很多人认为开拓者会选一个控球后卫。我们将拥有4个控球后卫。我们也想要卡尔德隆,而开拓者在2月份对他穷追不舍。所以让我们假设开拓者决定在这个夏天追逐他,那么他们将不得不放弃至少Outlaw, Jack, Frye来得到他。还有一件事,他们会让布雷克来支持他,还是让塞尔吉奥和克拉德隆、鲁迪一起发展? But we still have a lottery point guard on the bench, then why do the Blazers want a point guard in the draft. Maybe they should look for a small forward that could rebound and deffend? Now we play next year with added talent so we get knock out of the playoffs in the first or second round. And its summer 2009. 2 big contracts expire. What will Blazers do this summer? Will they still try to get Chris Paul? If they will have so much to spend in 2009 on Paul why will they go get Calderon this summer? Or what do you think about all of this speculation?