

昨晚在开拓者和奇才的比赛中,那个面对面的生日蛋糕到底是为了谁?当然不可能是那位老妇人得了这种病。可以吗? ?对火焰来说真是个悲剧。如果你们没到场,我想在第三季度的某个时候,PA开始宣布晚上的生日。首先是一个我已经忘记的人的名字。大屏幕上都是火焰,在看台上,还有生日蛋糕。他开始上升到200层,朝一个正在热情地欢呼的老妇人走去。突然,非常非常突然,Blaze出现了摔倒,而这名女子被直接击中脸部,全身都是生日蛋糕。他似乎真的跌倒了。 And the tension in the air the second we all realized what happened made it clear that was not the intended outcome. But whose birthday was it? Her husband, sitting beside her (who could clearly be seen mouthing "What the ?????" on the jumbo-tron in th aftermath). Let's hope the Blazers hooked that lady up with some freebies after ruining her night and embarrassing her in front of 20,000. But sympathy aside, that was REALLY funny. Particularly, in the replay, seeing the poor woman cheering and waving her arms so energetically as Blaze approached. She was so happy right until the end. And then, who would have ever thought that a guy in a mascot suit, with a huge perma-grin smile could ever look so ashamed and embarrassed. After apologizing and feebly trying to help clean her up, Blaze retreats down the steps with slumping shoulders and heads directly for the locker room. OUCH. I hope this ends up on YouTube as a study in our ability to both laugh and sympathize simultaneously.