

在这个赛季之前,我买了大约12双门票(其中两张是周末季票,外加两套独立门票,包括圣诞节的比赛)。他们寄给了我,结果12月有一大堆。哇,我终于有机会了……连胜期间我看了三四场比赛(包括对丹佛的比赛....耶!!)不管怎样,我带了我的两个孩子(第一次我带了一个,然后下次我带了另一个,以此类推)。我会在那里回答关于游戏和玩家的问题。我教他们什么时候加油……“科比烂透了!!”(尽管他确实如此)。我得让我儿子看看马蒂是如何滑到角落里等着布兰登给他一记三分! My 8 year old daughter tells that her favorite player is Roy (followed closely by "The Thrilla") and I can't be happier. If my kids were any older I would have had to explain why Sheed threw a towel at Sabas or why Bonzi didn't care what we thought. Thank god the Jail Blazers are gone and we have this group of guys. Now all have to do is explain the difference between the pick and pop and the pick and roll instead of what a doobie is and why you shouldn't smoke one in a Hummer. My dad had Walton and Luke. I had Clyde and Terry. My kids have Brandon, LMA and Oden. And nobody has Sheed!


去开拓者! !