

如果马泰尔不是旧金山的答案,那么应该有一个替代方案。从别人读到的,以及我所认为的,开拓者需要的是一个能够防守外线威胁并能在进攻端外线投篮的小前锋。这似乎是一个很容易找到的任务。问题是,假设开拓者不会放弃罗伊、奥登或LMA,球队将无法通过交易得到一个顶级前锋。另外,球队不太可能在休赛期签下一个非常昂贵的足总。球队可能会尝试招募一个新秀。但是,这将剥夺球队用乐透签签下一个控卫的权利,而且无论如何,那些希望在第一轮中上场的球员并不符合球队所需要的防守/投篮类型。所以,如果球队想要得到SF,他们需要做一些讨价还价。寻找后卫是困难的,因为没有全面的防守数据。因此,我们不得不依靠自己的眼睛和别人的话来判断。 But, there is an extra dimension in this. Call it the 'aura of intangibles'. Basically, this means that the player just has 'it': an intelligent approach that ensures all the little things get done. Shane Battier has 'it'. Watch a Rockets game. At least 5 times, I'll bet the announcers mention how smart he is, or how he just knows what to do. Now, I'm not saying that doesn't exist. Quite the opposite . Battier really does have a high basketball IQ and that enables him to make good judgments and he also plays that defense we need. Problem is a player who has 'it' becomes very expensive. The Rockets had to trade Rudy Gay to get him and would not part with him for pennies. The Blazers need to find their guy with 'it' even before that player gets the reputation from the league or even his team. To wit, I think Thabo Sefolosha may have 'it'. He came into the league as a 'defense first' player and is athletic and intense enough to fill the role of defensive stopper. His basketball intelligence has also been praised. On offense, he is more of a slasher at this point (which can be good. The swingmen currently on roster have a tendency to stand around and watch Roy do the work), but the 3-ball is in his arsenal. Currently (according to basketball-reference), he is 28 for 77 from distance.

公牛队本赛季将他安排进了常规赛轮换阵容。他场均上场20分钟左右,但球队还有很多其他的摇摆人(诺乔尼、邓、休斯、戈登——如果他们留下他和杜洪的话)。所以,如果价格合适,他也许可以被抛弃。由于看涨方的前期资金不足,价格几乎肯定会包括弗莱。还有,如果团队担心戈登走了,杰克。所以,Frye + Jack +也许是Sefolosha未来的选秀权。然后,我会用马泰尔换一个身材矮小、会抢篮板的大前锋(比如米尔萨普、马克西尔、格伦·戴维斯),但那是另一天的故事了。这当然会为Sefolosha打开首发的大门,除了从板凳上得到一个基于力量的大前锋之外。
