

When all teams practice "trash talking" our players should practice it too. does it fit with our new blazer culture?. Usually trash talking sounds unnecessary unpleasant and inappropriate for fair players, not to talk that too often stimulates the contender, so our Blazers should not use that way. Then...? Then there are blazeredgers, our smart and nice crew. They will create a new concept of trash talking that will let the opponent lie amused, surprised and unarmed.

Some Proposals:

1º.- A saying for the player who threatens with a shot in front of a blazer: ""Go ahead and shoot; you'll be doing me a favor." " (By Humphrey Bogart, in Casablanca).

2º.- Funny farts can be considered trash talking only under Tom exception.

3º.- Tom´s teacher pick and roll too. You may find what I´m talking about in a comment by Tom below thisDiary.

4º.- Body language available. Words are only 10% of communication.
A good example you may find insword fight.

5º.- Mentalist in the Rose Garden: as in Karpov-Korchnoi chess games. Someone who whispers into the brain of the players words like "I´ll do that blind pass" or "The universe is expanding, so the court too" (I think JJ1 is under the effect of an enemy mentalist). Where do we find this mentalist?. Hey, guys, we have the best, a man who can control the minds of a whole crowd and pull them to yellFI-YER I-SAY-YAH .
You may think the effect of this mentalist´s works too slow and when it works it could be too late, but you are forgetting that we need to control only a few minds, enemy players ones, not all the Rose Garden crowd. It will work out.

6º.- Defensive mentalist, we need also. The kind of man who can resist the calls of a crowd of nice people who surround to him, besiege to him, love him and invite him to share their comfortable wagon in a rail road going to Heaven, when he is walking the long way of the desert going to the Hell. I wonder who could be this man...

7º。——群众:我们需要改进或所有的票s will be sent to JSCOT´s Highlanders, who will do sound their bagpipes to the horror of the enemy, as blazers will not share their earplugs with them. We are friendly people, but not musically stupid.

8º.- Our dancers. I was informed lately about that some player don´t give attention to their coach´s instructions, but better if we are sure. Our dancers must do such a work in time-outs. Or they will be replaced byFlamenco从Anada舞蹈家和音乐家lusia shipped by BlazerOrBust.
I invite your incredibly creative minds to give one step beyond..."

OT: Perhaps you can´t imagine how difficult is sometimes to find a basketball court in my Town.
That´s why I did this photocomposition some time ago for my friends.

I want to say that I did it using a photo from a film, not a real one, and that kidding with the photo doesn´t mean in any way that I haven´t the highest respect for your flag and the effort of those soldiers who fought in that battle, because I have it.