

This is in no way a bash on Brandon post, I loved his game last night and basically didn't everything to will us back and almost take the lead. However, there is one thing he didn't do or hasn't really done all year that is worrying me a bit. I know he is in only his second year but if LMA gets some harsh criticism in his 2nd season then I think it's fair to do the same for Roy. He simply does not take over in the 4th qtr in games. So many times last night in the midst of our comeback he would kick it to Trout for a jumper, or Jack for a 3 when what I really want is B to just keep taking it to the rack, make a layin or get fouled. Yes, there have been many times when he has hit a clutch shot to either win a game or force overtime but the times when he just takes the game over througout the 4th qtr are few and far between. I think the fact that he is very unselfish should be noted. Roy might not be the type to take over in the 4th. He might not have that killer instinct like Kobe, Lebron, Manu, Pierce or KG. So the question: Does Roy pocess the killer instinct i'm talking about and i'm just missing something? Or is Roy simply too unselfish and more of a complimentary star to a superstar with a killer instinct that maybe we need to go out and get?
By the way, this is my first post. I love Blazersedge and am glad to be a part of the family finally