

有一个吗?谈论贸易可能性是很有趣的,但如果我们退后一步,更仔细地看一看,可能是原地踏步的方式吗?现在,很明显,我们又多了一个名单上的位置需要裁减,以适应鲁迪,而且很明显,在我看来,Baron Von Wafer不会回来了。这就是。现在,每个人都在谈论德文·哈里斯、何塞·卡尔德隆、柯克·辛里奇等人,想想也很有趣,但想想这个:我们在控卫方面最大的问题是失误,对吧?杰克刚刚(我相信)完成了他在联盟的第三年。第三年。想一想。时间不长。他还会有进一步发展的可能吗? All he really has to do is learn to make better decisions and we'd all love him. He drives to the basket consistantly and his little floaters are getting better all the time--he can score. His defense will improve (along with Webster's and Outlaw's). Might he end up being the PG we need? It's at least conceivable right? And isn't the SF situation the same? Webster and Outlaw can both improve to be the guys we need them to be: great defenders who can spot up (Webster) or create (Outlaw). I'm not advocating standing pat neccessarily, but with the freakishly good chemistry this team has (most people don't get along with their own families as well as these guys get along) is it worth the risk of upsetting a situation where each guy is accountable to another for making each other better, where each guy is competative and driven to win for the sake of what we think is an upgrade? Can the team as it sits now (taking in to consideration adding Oden and Rudy) win a championship? I have a feeling they could if given one or two more years to work together (which is the same time frame as if we got an "upgrade.")