
Calderon available?!?

according to his website:

"As of today, the Raptors would like me to continue, however until the 1st of July we will not know anything about the possible renewal or other offers from teams interested in me for next season. What is clear is the fact that if I have to choose between a sports offer versus an economic offer, I will opt for the first. I want to be a starter and to be in a team that aspires for everything. Of course I will not be on a team in which I cannot be an important contributor nor if there is not a solid structure or if there are not options to be in the “Playoffs”."

There seems to be a log jam in Toronto. I don't think either Ford and Calderon will be happy in a reserve role. There has been a lot of talk about Jose playing with Rudy and the PTB but what about Ford? According to, Ford is signed through 2010 (8 mil, 8.5, 8.5). What do you think? If you want to see Jose in a Blazer uniform you gotta like that a "sports offer" is higher on his list than a "economic offer".