
Boom or bust?

OK, I'll admit it...I'm bored. In an effort to kill the last 30 minutes of my work day, I wanted to open the floor for speculation on this year's crop of talent. Specifically, who's a winner and who's a bust. Many 1st rounders will go on to lead productive, but unspectacular NBA careers. A few will rise to the top and many talented youngsters will never translate their potential to the NBA game for one reason or another. Now is your chance to foretell the future and predict the fate of people you've never met in a matter that is truely irrelevant. Feel free to include your sleeper 2nd rounder winners too.


  1. Derrick Rose
  2. DeAndre Jordan


  1. OJ Mayo- headcase IMO
  2. Brook Lopez- token 7ft taken early.
  3. Kevin Love- in a game of athletes, he's not one.
  4. Chase Budinger- all hop, no game.


  1. Nathan Jawai- guy's as big as a truck (1st rounder on
  2. Joey Dorsey- Rebounding machine and garbage man.

Only one more week until the draft lottery. One more week. One more week. One more week. Arrggg...finger cramp.