
What if?

Let's say we got the number 2 pick in the draft and Rose went with the first pick. By the best player available (BPA) mantra, KP would select Beasley from Kansas. But would he really do that? Apparently there are character concerns with Beasley (from reading Chad Ford's who goes #1 article).

I put forth to all of you who are bored and want new and meaniful (well, at least hopeful) Blazers talk and speculation. Put out you're two cents worth. What would you do? Do you select Beasley #2 and then trade Frye or Aldridge. Do you try and trade for a point guard upgrade? Can you package beasley to with another player and try to pry Rose fromt he team who selects first? Do you trade down and repeat the Nash mistake(need/Martlell over BPA/Paul). It's a conudrum that has interesting possiblities and no sure-cut solution.