
"Road to the NBA Finals": 1992

Was just home for lunch to take the dogs out and low and behold, "Road to the NBA Finals" was showcasing our favorite 1992 sons against the Bulls on ESPN2. A few thoughts:

1. The Portland fans were all wearing florescent pink hats in the Memorial Coliseum. What were we thinking? Ugh.

2. Boy, I wasn't very impressed with our defense as a team and Clyde's defense especially. Gave Jordan WAY too much room to operate on the perimeter. Does anyone else remember being that shoddy at defense?

3. Danny Ainge was INTENSE. He was out there gritting his teeth and making faces. He was even making faces on the sidelines! Man, we need a player like him right now. Which of our current players needs to fill that roll of getting everyone fired up? After watching our 1992 squad again, everybody on our current team seems so docile comparatively. Rudy might bring some fire, but we need to find a firecracker or two to come off the bench. I don't just mean energy here, people. I'm looking for someone to flat out piss the other team off with his antics. I want to stick in their craw.

4. Man I wish we had Jordan. What were we thinking taking Bowie? Idiots!

5. Here's the biggie: JORDAN RAN THE POINT FOR THE BULLS!!! I was too young to recognize this at the time, but after watching the film it's clear that Jordan often initiated the offense. I didn't realize this. Did anyone else? This makes me feel better about Roy eventually becoming a full-time offense-initiator. I don't know why this makes me feel better--it just does.