
Evidence or just funny

blzrfan posted the video from the end of last night's LA-Utah game on this post


I'm bringing it to a new post because after watching it a bazillion times, and laughing so hard everyone in the office came to see what I was looking at, I started thinking that Boozer is a better defender than that video shows.

In the video, you can see Gasol (shove?) move Okur out of the way, grab a rebound, go up for a dunk. Boozer's right there on D, could easily have fouled or altered the shot. The guy doesn't even leave his feet. It's funny to me, but I can't help wondering (as the hated Boston fan in my office did) whether there's something else going on here. Is it possible that Boozer intentionally played no D there?

Go to the page, look at it. Or if blzrfan could post it, I'd really appreciate it. AND MANY THANKS TO BLZRFAN FOR POSTING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.