

哦!哇哦!我刚打开阿弗雷多寄来的包裹。哦!我简直不敢相信我所看到的!这家伙可不是在艺术课上找乐子的孩子。这家伙是个艺术家!为了咧嘴一笑,我把帕科·古兹曼拍进了谷歌,他在上面。比起漫画,我更喜欢他的画。在我的想象中,其中一些街道是非常古老、狭窄、维护良好的西班牙街道,通过建筑师的眼睛看到的样子。 To all of you who got one of these caricatures, congratulations, you scored. I got Travis (the ears are perfectly Vulcanesque) and Sergio. In the immortal words of Lizzy Lowblow, loosely quoted, "I luvs em, I luvs em, I luvs em". Thank you so much amlmart. You and Paco are very generous.

< a href = "< a href = "¤t=PacoGuzman.jpg">¤t = PacoGuzman.jpg“目标= "平等" > < img src = "< a href = "">“边境= " 0 " alt = " Photobucket " > < / >