
Interesting Calderon news

Calderons website

"As of today, the Raptors would like me to continue, however until the 1st of July we will not know anything about the possible renewal or other offers from teams interested in me for next season.What is clear is the fact that if I have to choose between a sports offer versus an economic offer, I will opt for the first.I want to be a starter and to be in a team that aspires for everything. Of course I will not be on a team in which I cannot be an important contributor nor if there is not a solid structure or if there are not options to be in the “Playoffs”.

José Manuel Calderón"

If we have Sergio and Rudy here I wonder how much the idea of playing with those three players would appeal to him. I know that he is super close to Garbajosa and it may pain him to leave but seriously, we are like a PG away from a DEEP push into the playoffs, next year as opposed to 2-3 years from now. Granted we could only offer him the MLE but if I read that correctly, he said that $$ is not his concern and that he wants to start on a clear cut up and coming team.

Tor does not have the inside muscle to even get past the first round in the east and we garnered the same record as Tor while playing in the west, I wonder if Jose would be willing to sign with us for $5mill and then, like Rudy, see if Larry Miller could pull some strings and sign him to a huge Nike Espana contract worth far more than he could make in the league.

We could have Calderon starting, Blake backing up and Sergio could take over in a few years when Calderon starts to slow down if he still wants to play for us.

I can see the internal troubles at PG in Tor clashing with the Spaniards style of team ball and with us playing team ball we could possibly be in line to get him. Although a bad thought just crossed my mind, what is another competing team that has another Spanish player and has been playing very well as of late?

Lets just hope that this summer, Rudy has the ear of Jose more than Pau does and he can convince him to come to Por on the cheap, hey we got Rudy for less than he is worth and maybe we can get his bud also.

PS. Mark it down on your calendars: August 16th USA vs. Espana Olympic basketball 1st round game!!

Rudy (and Jose?!?!?) vs. Coach Nate!!