
the offseason lull on blazersedge

how bout them lakers...making me pull for each opponent to beat their...what's going on with all these off topic posts...why do i prefer the old format on this site better. why aren't people writing geat diaries anymore...

It,s because we're good, what's there to complain about except jack and sergio? nothing else really. how many months until next season starts? 6 and a half. ok people, your posts that are non basketball related belong somewhere else, where i don't care start a new site. this site is for fans of the blazers, not tominhawaii's ramblings about life. nor does anyone care about martell's grandma's white hat Are you kidding me....ok i'll calm it a bit, but really does anyone here have the credentials to honestly tell whether rudyF will be successful in the NBA? we can hope as i do and watch dkv highlights but cmon people, lets not jump to any conclusions. at least after the lottery we can talk draft and read scouting reports but until then we got the playoffs. You all should be scouting the remaining teams as they are our competition. Utah's letting me down tremendously,,,too many jump shots. We're gonna need our point guard to be able to guard.

-tony parker, chris paul, deron williams, and derric rose

we're gonna need someone( forward/guard it doesn't matter which) who can guard

-Lebron James

who else should we consider that will be a threat over the next ten years?

and finally,,,personally i pul for sergio but jack seems more logical as he can guard cp3 and dwill quite well actually but no point guard will truly become great until nate hands over the reigns,,,not meaning that he leaves rather he justs let them play, ala phil jackson, kobe michael, Pat Riley, magic, wade, Chuck Daly, isiah, dumars
. Greg Popovich, parker ginobili and duncan. Ya'll get where i am going. I think it can happen . Firs't someones needs to step up next to Brandon and take the ball to the hole.