
OT非官方Impersonation Contest

Since we have so many great personalities here on the Bedge, I thought it would be a good idea to hold a contest based on those personalities. Since the highest form of flattery is imitation, there will be an opportunity to shower your flattery upon the bestest of the best who reside in this community. This is not an elimination contest, those have been done to death, like the plague. We will rather will have incredibly partial and judgmental judges. But first, the community must decide who will be impersonated.That is what this post is for. Although questions about the rules are okay too.


1)Nominate who you want to be impersonatedin this post. Remember that this is flattery. Nominating someone because you want to make fun of them is mean spirited and wrong, and may cause them to win the title "Unofficial Blazer's Edge Favorite Personality."

2)If that person is already nominated, thenadd your vote to it by recommending that comment.(Actions -> Rec).This will keep the post from getting to unwieldy to properly count using my abacus. You may vote for as many entries as you wish, and it is encouraged that you would vote for more than one.

Duplicate nominations may be poked at in harmless fun by all who desire to do this, as long as you aren't mean. The duplicate comment may or may not be counted, depending on my whims which are as fleeting as a mobile home in a tornado. Although, mostly it rests on my frustration level with my abacus.

3)Those receiving the most votes in this way will be the subject of impersonation.This willonlyhappen if the subject gives his or her consent.A reply to the nomination comment accepting this nomination will suffice.

This is an honor worthy of Kings, Presidents and David Stern. In three days (72 hours) from now, give or take, nominations will be closed. A second post will then be made announcing the lucky subjects. Any nominations not yet accepted may also be accepted at this time, or to me via email (which is available under my profile) at any time.

If a nomination goes unaccepted, or even rejected, then we will not be impersonating them. Play nice, if someone does turn down the nomination, they are still people with feelings, and you could hurt them, you big meanie.

4)Subsequent posts will then, one by one, open with a Blazers-related question, which you will answer as if you were that person. The person impersonated is not eligible to enter. I suppose they still could, but they wont count. The reason is in rule #5.

All entries must be within the rules for posting on this site. If your comments cause Dave to ban you, that's not my fault. In an email, Dave has already proclaimed that if you participate that, "this is in the spirit of fun, not meanness." The community has the right to flag inappropriate posts to have them removed at upper management's discretion.

Also, outright plagiarism is highly frowned upon. Copying and pasting a previous post will probably be insufficient to win anyways. Remember, this is for fun and to honor those whom we impersonate. On that note, the plague is also highly frowned upon because, well, it kills people.

5) The person impersonated is the judgefor the post in which they are being impersonated, andonlythat post. After one day (24 hours) or so of posts, he or she will pick the top three posts using whichever method of judging he or she desires, whether or not it makes sense to the rest of us. But remember, all judgments must also conform to the rules of this site, as stated for comments in rule #4.

First place (or equivalent) earns three (3) points, second place (or equivalent) earns two (2) points, and third place (or equivalent) earns one (1) point. The judge may, if so inclined, also judge the rest by whichever means he or she desires at any time in the process.

If you do not like the judgment of the judge, I'm afraid that there is no recourse. The judgmental judgments of the judges are judged to be final.

6)At the end of the contest, the points will be tabulated, and the person who has the most will be named"Unofficial Blazer's Edge Masked Persona,"which I suppose is redundant, but whatever. A title is a title.

Also, the subject who receives the most posts of impersonation will be named"Unofficial Blazer's Edge Favorite Personality."

7)All declarations by Dave and Ben override these rules by virtue of their authority which is derived from their Absolute Monarchianism, given by Divine Right.

Remember, judges and participants, this all for fun, and not to be mean. You wouldn't like it if people are mean to you, so don't be mean to them.