
Is KP the NBA Ace Rothstein?

After reading Mike Barrett's blog and coming to the realization that this was the plan all along (Jerryd Bayless, Nicolas Batum, et al) I think this notion has to be seriously considered.

For those who know and love the movie Casino, you know what I'm talking about. If not, Ace Rothstein was a bettor who was so much better than everyone else that he changed the odds of whatever game he bet on. Other big time gamblers followed his lead.

Remember, Jerryd Bayless was #4 on most draft boards leading up to the draft. He was ranked as the 2nd best point guard prospect behind Rose. Most fans didn't talk much about Bayless because it was thought that some of the core would have to be given up to get him. Not to mention that the Blazers brass NEVER mentioned his name. All that you heard about before the draft was Alexander, Westbrook, and Augustin. Batum was also stolen right out from under San Antonio.

If KP was able to change the odds that much because of intentional misdirection this has to go down as one of the best draft days EVER by a front office. I don't think the genius of what has just happened will be fully appreciated for a while.