
"Anatomy of Pritchslap" got a response from Charlotte.

The article "Anatomy of Pritchslap", that was writen by Ben, got a response from Charlotte fans. They basicly belive that Larry brown wanted DJ, but Jordan wanted Westbrook. There was a deal that would sent Westbrook to Charlotte, but they had to give up alot for him, so it didnt go thru. Here are some of the responses from Bobcats fans that read the "Anatomy of Pritchslap". Here we go.

"my god what a piece of garbage. i am really starting to dislike 99% of blazer fans.
maybe, just maybe, charlotte wanted augustine over bayless and could give two **** about what the pacers, nets kings and blazers did in the next 4 picks. maybe just maybe, KP, being the smart gm that he is knew that after the bucks took alexander at 8, augustine, bayless and lopez were still left on the board. he wanted a pg and would gladly take either bayless or augustine. knowing the nets would not take a pg since they just traded for devin harris and needed a center, KP did some 1st grade math and figured out that if he could get to 11 he would most likely get either augustine or bayless. so he calls LB...larry bird (not larry brown) and makes a deal. there was no need for him to panic and make a deal with the bobcats, especially, knowing larry brown and his preference for pass first pgs. of course he also could have read anyone of a dozen papers last week and known that LB was very high on augustine as well. come on people. sometimes the most logical explanation is the right one." Wow....exhibbit 1a for the case that blogs are journalistically irresponsible......

Seems a bit irresponsible to me to accuse Kevin Pritchard of what amounts to fraud, (making a legally binding verbal contract intending all the while to back out) with 0 evidence.

This is the kind of thing that would cost draft picks if it came out.......I could see the NBA giving Portland the Joe Smith/Minnesota Treatment AND forcing the trade through.

也……我不知道这种事情is even possible....We'd have to ask someone more in the know, but I imagine that in the cases where Team A picks a player for Team B, both parties call the league to confirm the deal first." "There was no way Charlotte was going to select Bayless or Lopez. Okafor is a center. He sucks at Power Forward. Lopez can't play PF. So why take Lopez to be the third center behind Nazr?

Bayless is not a PG, hes a combo guard who can handle the ball. Charlotte doesn't need one of those, they have one (Felton). Charlotte has been searching everyhwere for a true, pass-first PG since Knight left, and they went out and got one.

There is a lot of bias against MJ because of the decisions he has made in Washington. The only bad decision he has made in Charlotte was hiring Sam Vincent, but I believe he wanted LB last year but LB said no. Now he has a great coach. The J-Rich trade was brilliant.

Blazer fans think they could have had a deal with Charlotte because they think they wanted Jarrett Jack. That is not the case. Jack paired with Felton is not a good PG combo at all. Both had limited court vision, take too many shots, and can't finish. Jack would quit the NBA if he had to play for LB.

我想很多这“夏洛特doing?" is accredited to the media and their total lack of a clue to what the Charlotte Bobcats are. They think Okafor can play PF, when thats like asking Ben Wallace in his prime to play PF. They think Felton is an up and coming PG, when in reality he has probably peaked and is an average PG at best in a PG's league. They have no clue who is Ajinca is or why LB would pick him. So if fans of other teams try to pass off blogs as smart information, you should probably stop following the media to get your Bobcats information." "Just out of curiosity, why would Jordan want Westbrook if we turned down Bayless becasue he's a "combo that can handle the ball"?

Who knows if this is true. I can see DJ preferring Portland due to there not being any competition for "future" (maybe that's why he looked so down on draft night). We might possibly have pulled Frye and Jack out of the deal as well as the 13th, which would have went a long way in helping out our 4/5 position. Add to that LB seeming to prefer vets (not saying he doesn't play rooks...agreed with Walt's post above) and it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Doesn't matter now anyway as I think DJ fills a need and will fit in fine with us. Yet to see what happens with Ajinca; hopefully he'll come in and be more ready than a lot think.

I asked this in the draft thread, but is MJ/LB that transparent leading up to the draft? Is this a good think if so? I thought MJ was a gambler...if this is how he gambles then I'm surprised he hasn't went thru all that NIKE money no matter how much it is."