


B. Dizz想从GS得到今年以后的延期。没有得到它。试图通过退出来迫使穆林采取行动。他也选择了洛杉矶,因为那里是BD的家乡,他也在拍电影。BD可能会和Brand谈论电影(Brand有自己的制作公司,BD刚刚发布了一部关于黑帮的纪录片)和棒球。布兰德不喜欢输,不喜欢为斯特林先生效力除非他们赢了。品牌建议BD与洛杉矶签约,进行05- 06年的复兴。布兰德说他会选择退出,因为他想让剪辑队签下BD,这样他就可以在本赛季之后续约。布兰德说,他会拿更少的钱,这样剪辑就能有竞争力(顺便说一句,你可以在电影中赚更多的钱,用更少的努力,你可以打篮球)。BD同意与剪辑的合同,6500万美元/5年。 Brand says he'll return to the clips for less money, specifically $75m/5yr (according to reports and pissed-off dunleavy). Now, there is some previous tension between Sterling and Falk (Brand's agent) about the offer sheet situation when brand signed with Miami and the clips matched. Falk didn't want Brand to sign with the Clips for obvious reasons (read: Sterling's cheaper than my Nike-made converse which now have holes in the soles after a mere 3 months). Fast forward to this summer, clips make their offer, and somewhere along the line, because of Sterling's hatred for Falk or negotiation difficulties, the clips try to deal directly with brand. Falk apparently asked for a max extention (something like $120m/6yrs) this summer, and if he didn't get it, he'd ask for $150m/7yrs next summer. Sterling says wait a minute, Brand just had a major injury (ruptured achilles', only played 8 games last year), is 29, and one of either of those contracts would kill the clippers cap space until 2020. Sterling, Baylor, or someone of the like goes behind Falk's back to try to negotiate with Brand himself. Major no-no in the sports agent world, as you are threatening their ~3% commision on a multi-million dollar contract. Brand tells Falk, Falk goes nuclear (or nucular if your GW). Falk, whose status in the league as a power player has declined recently, pulls a power move, saying 'wanna go behind my back, do ya? take this' and starts talking to GS and Philly about Brand. GS offers $95m/5yr. GS looks like it's taking a step back this year, brand says no thanks. Philly comes along, offers $80m/5yr, has a good young core (T. Young, Iggy, Lou Will, Sam Dam) and some vets (A. Miller), plays in the weaker east. Brand/Falk, pissed at the clips for previous/current slights, says yes to the 76ers.Final score: BD 1, Brand 1, Philly and fans 1, Clip's fans -5,459,384

我想这让我们了解了最新的情况。天啊,这年头做个剪辑队的粉丝真糟糕。我对弗兰基·穆尼奥斯深表同情。我还觉得BDizz被耍了。他本可以在今年打得很好,在GS再过一个好年头,然后在明年有更多球队薪资空间的时候得到一份更大的合同。是的,他确实得到了续约,如果他和迈克·D相处不好,他可能会出现一些假象性的伤病(见:斯科特、拜伦和BD在他手下的表现)。布兰德确实得到了续约。布兰德说,剪辑给他的报价很低,更糟的是,给了他一个要么接受要么走人的报价。邓利维说,除了其他东西之外,他还拿到了福尔克编辑的合同和布兰德发来的短信,说他只要求7500万美元/5年。邓利维还说,其他球员也有来自布兰德的TM,他们会说“你、我和BD!” Which side do you agree with? Honestly, I just feel for the clips' fan as they're getting screwed again. But, if what the Dun-meister says is true, Brand is, well, a douche. Admittedly, the clips would have been playing the same 5 guys all year (BD, Brand, Kaman, Gordon, Thornton) with no bench, and wouldn't have been a lock to make the playoffs, but i'm not so sure about Philly though. Maybe it's just me, but it seems as though they were overachieving a bit this year. Also, i know the west is stacked, but Dallas is in decline, Phoenix has the Methusalian tandem of Nash-O'Neal, Denver is another two glasses of red wine away from Anthony getting another DUI, and Houston needed a record-breaking win streak to get in the playoffs while the over/under on Yao's apperances this year is 41. That's half of the west's playoff teams. Yes, portland is on the rise and should be in the playoffs next year, but GS most def. is out of the playoff picture now, as are all the other lottery teams from the west (who? Sacto? Really? Sactown? Artest and Martin? Really?). Yes, this is unfounded hyperbole from an unemployed guy with a BA in Ancient Greek, but it's not unreasonable (maybe it is). If you made it this far, just remember: khalipa ta kala (noble things are difficult). Thanks for reading. Comment away...go blazers. batum will be amazing.