
OT - 我的路上的道路(重新发布)

这篇文章最初是由Junior del Norte..不知怎么的,它被删除了所以我重新发了一遍,因为我觉得这是一个很好的粉丝帖子。讨论了。

在《the pack》回归的不冷不热的欢迎之后,我听到了那么多关于辉煌时期个人经历的故事,我有一些故事要讲,也有一些坦白要做,因为我自己并不总是一个粉丝。




当我在这里搬出三年级时,我讨厌西北。我来到这里来自西部路易斯安那州的火箭队,即使我还年轻,可能是因为现在我想到它,由于缺乏多样性,我在文化冲击状态(即使在90年代中期,东北波特兰的先进。)在小学,我的母亲从东北波特兰开车到温哥华,她希望我去一个更好的学校。最终我们搬到了温哥华,在搬到波特兰之前我们住了几年。在温哥华,人们凝视着很多。我经常被问到我是否被收养或如果我的母亲是我的保姆,因为我们的外表差异。我通常是班上唯一的黑人学生。当老师在冬季或奴隶制中讨论Kwanzaa,如黑历史月卷起时,至少有一半的班级(字面意思)会转身看着我。有时候人们会说出像我看起来像猴子的东西。我一直害羞和躺着,我喜欢思考是一种良好的幽默感,它困扰着我很多,必须处理这种尴尬的情况。 I was very uncomfortable around my classmates. Intimidation implies fear, and even though I didn't fear them that is the closest word to describe what I felt while living in Vancouver. Our car and the car of our neighbor, who was black, had the windows shattered several times. Nothing was taken and no other cars belonging to other residents of the apartment complex were disturbed, the windows were just shattered. And I was, again for lack of a better word, too "intimidated" to do anything but pass the ball whenever it came to me during eighth grade basketball tryouts. From 3rd grade to 9th grade (after which I moved back to Portland) other kids would say things like "You think you're so cool because you can dribble good" so, as strange as it sounds, I tried my best not to stand out as good. Not that I was anything special, but I was definitely good for my age. Every Wednesday in elementary school my mother used to take me to the亚特碟子中心,我会在那里打球,在周末她带我去请公园打篮球。顺便说一句,我意识到"你觉得自己很酷"听起来并不刻薄。我让它保持干净;使用了更严厉的语言。不管怎么说,很明显,我没能进球队因为我的"烫手山芋"很抱歉为我自己拉扯小提琴,但我想说的是,因为我在那里受到的对待,我越来越讨厌西北的一切,包括开拓者队。不过,我一直很喜欢萨博尼斯。公平地说,好像没人喜欢波特兰。每个人都在关注超音速,因为这是他们进入总决赛的一年。我甚至记得一个(当地)广告,有一个玻璃罐广告“Sabonis恶臭”或类似的东西。 Oh yeah, and when I was 10, on the last and most important day of basketball camp I wore Lakers shorts. For what it's worth I didn't want them, they were purchased for me. If it makes you feel any better, my team played horribly that day, which was tournament day. But that brings me to the most controversial part of what I have to say.

2000年西部决赛。第七场。我们都知道发生了什么。我12岁的时候。我还是讨厌开拓者队。他们领先时我很高兴。为此我向你道歉。希望你理解。好的一面是,不久之后我就成了他的粉丝。我在这里度过了一段艰难的时光。 I've been scoffed at for liking a terrible team. I went to a game and watched Qyntel Woods lead the team onto the floor to DMX's "Where the Hood At." I like to think I've paid my dues. I matured and got over the diversity thing and now I like Portland. The city, the people and the team. The point of this wasn't to be a sob story, just to detail how a young Southern boy who loves to go fishing came to be a fan. Speaking of which, I guess I kind of hit the jackpot by coming to Portland; two things I love are fishing and basketball. Ample outdoor courts, a professional team with a rising star who's a quiet Southerner that enjoys fishing, and plenty of opportunities and places to fish. Hopefully this all makes sense, because although I'm an English major I don't believe in proofreading even though I tend to go off on tangents often, as I did several times here. By the way, I know not everybody is a fan of long comments/posts, but I am. So if anyone has a story about how they came to be a fan, I'm curious to hear it. He probably mentioned it before I started coming here, but I'm interested in amlmart1's story, and those of other people not from around here as well.

附注:我14岁的时候,我和两个朋友去看了一场开拓者队的比赛。我们正在散步,一位女士走近我们,问我们是否想参加一个促销游戏。正如我之前提到的,我是个害羞的孩子,所以我说不,我的一个朋友也说不,但我的朋友尼克说可以。我和我的另一个朋友不得不下楼,在地板附近坐了25分钟,这样我们就可以观看比赛了。结果是尼克和另一个孩子之间的比赛,他们用一根蹦极绳从球场的两端连接起来,在一定的时间内尽可能多地得分。尼克和我差不多大,但他身高大概有一米八左右,在一年的时间里,他一直统治着那个孩子,每周赢得一份免费的麦当劳超值套餐。不过,另一个孩子并不介意,我们都很高兴地讨论着离开拓者队这么近的事。我是那种会因为我不认识的人和我在同一个地方而感到兴奋的人,所以有人记得在你参加的比赛中看到过这样的比赛吗?那应该是在2001-2002赛季。尼克会是(我猜他现在还是)一个瘦长的浅肤色的黑人孩子。 I won't hold my breath, but there's a chance somebody out there saw it.