

我知道这个话题之前已经讨论过了,但我认为我有足够的新话题来保证一个粉丝的帖子,如果我错了,我道歉,这已经过去了。我们都知道达瑞斯在波士顿的表现不错。据报道,凤凰城也询问过他。这是根据Hoopsworld的说法,但他没有具体说明迈尔斯是否锻炼成功。我可能是错了,但我记得去年达瑞斯因为受伤而被禁赛五场。你还记得听说他被禁赛五场吗?不。完全正确。也许他们不想坏新闻不能甩掉他,也许他不是做锅。你认为他印象波士顿,他能有多高(忍不住)吸烟,或你认为他试图摆脱这个东西做一些类固醇。很多棒球运动员都这么做,但我不知道这对膝盖受伤有多大效果,因为微骨折会导致新的软骨生长。 Then again I'm not a doctor. Same old Darius? If they had one more bad seed left who made the same mistake he always makes, why not say so and publicly penalize him, at least give him an imaginary suspension publicly? Next time he is tested it's gonna be 15 games. Then 20. Soon we won't need to worry whether or not he is gonna play in ten games. My opinion? Not surprised if it was both, but I honestly think he is trying to get back in by doping. If he ends up being a champion on the Boston Celtics next year, take solace in the fact that might be the first player in the NBA with in girl breasts.