
Trail Mix aka The Junk Drawer-1st

Wow college in like 3 more weeks, still so many things to do. I just watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall, I felt the trailer was underwhelming, but it was just as cute and funny as the rest of Judd Apatow's movies. I thought it was close to, or better than Superbad, and far superior to 40 year Old Virgin. The characters had a lot of depth, for the most part, and there were some memorable bit roles. Oh and Mila Kunis looked great in that movie. She seems a lot different from That 70's Show. Maybe it's just the personality difference that does it?

Plus the main character really reminded me of James Murphy from LCD Soundsytem. Love that guy, and his music. Sound of Silver was one of my favorite albums last year. You know that he could had a job writing for Seinfeld in the 90s? He turned the offer down to continue making music, guess it worked out, but he missed out on a huge payday. Jerry Seinfeld was actually the highest paid celebrity in 2004, he made like $240 mil.