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Apparently there's a limit to how much column space a post can take, so here's the end of the story. Click below to see it.

- 戴夫(blazersub@yahoo.com)

几周后,几周后,这个小镇再次被骚乱抓住了,这比第一个大。Farmer Joel and the knights were again at the inn when they saw women running through the streets screaming, leading their crying children by the hand.人们看上去很酷,正在抓住干草叉,ho头以及他们可以找到的任何工具,拥挤在街上。这三个人冲了出去,朝着男人指向的方向看。


“What in the name of Bonnie’s Beautiful Blintzes is that?” asked Farmer Joel.

布兰登爵士说:“农民的另一个幸运的风,农民。”“Once again it blows in our favor.”

“幸运的草稿能有多少?”农夫问Joel, but nobody heard him.

At that point the town wall began rocking back and forth with a rhythmic:KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.巨大的脸再次令人震惊。“你好?你为什么不打开门?”

Sir Brandon pushed his way through the crowd and ran up the stairs which flanked the gatehouse.“人……人!Calm down!停止!”

一个声音从人群中升起。“What is that thing, Sir Brandon?”

Another shouted, “Do you know this creature?”

“这不是一个生物,而是巨人。And yes, I know him!或至少拉马库斯爵士和我知道他。We heard he was in these parts and we sent out a message saying he would be welcome in our town.”



当声音翻过他时,布兰登爵士畏缩了一下。“请稍等片刻,巨人先生!We must simply prepare for your arrival.”


“Why to fight for us, of course.”


“Yes, Squire Golliver?”

“如果是打架的人,您想要我找到合适的人。He is deadly with his blades, quick as a lightning flash, and can strike from distance as well.I don’t see why we’d want to take the risk of having a giant in town when we could lure one of the best warriors the world has ever…”那时,民众的一半落在地面上,因为街道上散落着一堆噪音。

“NOBODY FIGHTS BETTER THAN ME!” the giant shouted.As if to demonstrate he used his left hand to rip one of the trees which lined the gate road out of the ground, roots and all.With a quickness that his size could not hint at he swung the tree at the statue atop of the gate--the same one Martell had shot with his arrow months before.雕像粉碎成粉末。巨人将树在他的手指之间旋转,将其扔到空中,用另一只手将其抓住后面,然后将其放回其孔中……倒挂的孔中。

“Point taken,” said Squire Golliver.“欢迎来到城镇!”

随之而来的是,人们的欢呼声引起了人们的欢迎,受到欢迎并受到了数周的欢迎。所有的城镇居民都与他共享桌子,在中央绿色中发现了一个合适的地方,让他休息。During the day he would dance with the maids and at night he would tell stories of how he would crush the town’s enemies when the time came.And everybody was happy.


一周后,特拉维斯(Travis)和马特尔(Martell)的回归,一周里的一只驴子,比巨人的到来不那么引人注目,但对骑士的到来也同样重要。On this donkey rode an unassuming man of non-descript height.知道竞选季节是附近的农民乔尔(Joel)将自己的财产搬进了城镇以捍卫这座城市。当他在驴上看到那个男人挥舞着手臂。The man waved back.布兰登爵士和拉马库斯爵士在一秒钟后大步走。


Sir Brandon muttered under his breath, “He doesn’t look like much.”



“Nothing, just an anachronistic joke.Why don’t you see what he can do before you judge him?”

到那时,年轻人和驴骑手已经接近。Sir Brandon dismounted, as did the man.The knight extended his hand.


The man extended his hand.“他们叫我布雷克。And doubtless having looked at me you’re disbelieving half of those things right now.”

“No, no!I wouldn’t say that.”

“You don’t have to.In any case, your gate is in need of repair, we need to clear a zone in front of the walls for uninhibited bow fire, I’ll want a list of provisions you’ve stored for the season, and I’ll need to meet your company and know all of their specialties.”


“Do you have much to spare?The season is already late.看……如果我们一起工作,这将最有效。Sometimes I will lead, sometimes you will.无论情况如何,我们都会做。同意吗?”

“同意。Did you know we have a giant?”

A wry smile crossed Blake’s lips.“I had heard.”


“他们来了!They’re coming!”

“Quickly!” said Blake, “How many and how far?”


“我们需要井井有条。Get some men working on that gate and…what now?”

The men turned to see townsman running from the other direction.“布兰登爵士!拉马库斯爵士!You’d better come quick!”



拉马库斯爵士抓住了肩膀。“Told them what?What happened?”


“做了什么?Out with it man!!!”

“The giant, sir.他受伤了。”


The campaign season was long and hard, but the men of the town fought valiantly, even without the giant.他们没有获得任何基础,但也没有失去任何基础。相比recent history the townsfolk considered it a success.他们仍然有自己的家。更重要的是,希望和信仰回到了他们的眼中。They knew now that what they had lost was slowly and surely being returned.Once again they embraced the men that fought for them and assured them that they always had a home.过去的伤痕被逐渐消除。甚至农夫乔尔(Joel)也对自己的作物感到满意。

该镇的名声也开始蔓延。It wasn’t long before new fighters were coming to join the company.A burly warrior named Jerryd brought his mighty whacking club and his stout armor.He was known for charging directly into the ranks of the enemy no matter what the odds and emerging victorious.一位名叫鲁迪(Rudy)的迅速跑步者挥舞着匕首,将它们扔得足够快,以使敌人的畏缩在恐惧中。Another wounded warrior limped into town, calling himself “Ike”.如果他发现自己适合战斗,他的力量显得无与伦比。Soon after that a young defender with a swift shield came through the gates.

“What is your name?” asked Sir Brandon.

“ Zey叫我巴图姆。”

“贝特 - 穆姆?”

“No, no!bah-toom!”

“And what can you do?”

Just then a group of maidens walked by.They noticed the new addition and immediately began casting glances and tittering behind their hands.

“哦,不,我们什么都不会!”布兰登爵士说。“来吧,我们会为您找到用途。”And he dragged him off by the earlobe.


“特拉维斯!What is that?”





Travis did just that, and Old Raef presented himself before the two knights.

“What shall we do with him?” asked Sir Lamarcus.

“Don’t know,” said Travis.

“I have an idea,” said Sir Brandon.“让我们像公主一样打扮他,在他的脸上戴面纱,然后将他送到所有其他城镇,宣称这是一个为战士而来的美好小镇,这里有多少个醒目的少女。Hopefully we can get someone else who takes about the same amount of space that Old Raef does to move into his old apartments up there.”


“Oh, just stay in whatever town sends a fighter our way.他必须像你一样的旧区,对吗?只是搬进那里。”



And so they did.

Best of all, despite all of the craziness, the giant recovered before the next campaigning season began.With Sir Brandon and Sir Lamarcus at the forefront of every charge, Sergio and Channing working magic, Webster and Rudy flinging daggers and arrows from long distance, Travis tumbling, Jerryd clubbing, Ike on the mend, Batum keeping the ladies busy, Farmer Joel smacking people in the face with his shovel, and Blake organizing it all, it looked to be a successful season.