
Obnoxious cleveland fans

i want to thank the staff at the rose garden tonite (sec 310) for their professional handing of unruly, drunk, obnoxious loud cleveland fans and making it a more enjoyable experience. a couple of guys sporting #23's were sitting in my section trashing oden lma and half the team. i have a problem with that in the rose garden myself. they were pretty loud and looking for trouble. i was hoping blaze would come over and shoot them with silly string or something. we need a blazermaniac section where in such cases, you can call a number and swap tickets and surround them with our most obnoxious loud fans, i almost swapped seats with the guys next to me so i could stand up and cheer defense everytime lebron got the ball and obstruct their view. as it was those bfans were offended and just left. if our guys could of taken care of business on the court it probably wouldnt have been as big of a issue but it was tonite. by halftime and several beers later they progressed to dropping f-bombs and swearing. thats where i got "offended". there were several children nearby and i have read my season ticket handbook. anyway the usher took care of business professionally and expediently. the guy picked up his 2nd warning faster than GO picks up fouls and was told one more time and security would throw him out and to his credit he chilled out alittle after that. GO BLAZERS!