
Junk Drawer Jan. 24 -- all apologies

First off, it's 3:05 PM here in Hong Kong and I've just returned from a butt-kicking yoga session. No joking around. I am WORKED.

Which got me thinking, I probably owe some people a few apologies. I was kinda of a jerk to a few people during and after the Cavs game the other day. I just got really worked up and was ticked about a few things. Normally I don't talk trash to other BEdgers, but I lost my cool. Sorry.

I've also recently had a friend of 20 years turn his back on me. Strange. I can't think of what I did or didn't do to tick him off so much, but I think it was just things running its course, I suppose. That's what my wise woman tells me, anyway. She usually gets things right, or pretty close to right.

Some good games coming up, and by "good" I mean "Blazers run up the score and Ike and Shav play good minutes while Roy rests and Greg gets his per-game averages up."

Sleep now, my little west coast babies. I've got to go shopping for a Chinese cellphone.


(ah crap. I can't edit the typo our of the poll. and the good times continue to roll ...)