

我在ESPN上看到姚明受伤了(又受伤了),和我受伤的情况相比并不严重,但这让我想到.........我更想要谁,姚明还是姚明?姚明在内线是一个巨大的存在,在球场两端都很强大,但到目前为止,他的职业生涯很容易受伤。G.O.被贴上了“容易受伤”的标签,但恕我直言,这是不公平的。这也让我想到.........如果他是休斯顿火箭队的一员,政府会受到同样的审查吗?如果我们有任何休斯敦博客的常客(我不知道名字),请告诉我,如果姚明每次倒下一场或两场比赛都被打败了。我很想知道。我的猜测是,他得到了一些,但甚至没有美国政府那么多的审查。该死的萨姆·鲍伊,我们永远都不会再对了!这是非常不公平的,我们这些悲观和消极的粉丝就认为G.O.是“下一个萨姆·鲍伊”,天哪,我每次听到这句话都想呕吐。我没看到太阳球迷说阿马雷失败,他们(太阳球迷)支持他,现在仍然支持他。 I guess my point being...........i personally have quetioned Oden and wondered if he will pan out. I have been unfair and impatient, if i could apologize to him personally i would. I have made a few fans post about him and among the things a was critical about were his post game, his foul issues, and his overall demeanor. I say here and now: I am an impatient and critcal Blazer fan and Greg i am sorry. (like he would actually read this LOL) I guess i and all of us pesimists need to be thankfull for what we have, and i am glad we have G.O. I am so proud of this team and everyone who puts it together for us, the fans. Gooooooo Blazers!!!