
Guess what? Among rookies, G.O. is presently #2 in PER

The link to the PER tables on ESPN ishere.

Scoff, if you must. And, yes, Marreese Speights is #1. And Greg's margin above #3 JaVale McGee is slight. (Yep, the JaVale McGee from the Wizard juggernaut we saw on Saturday.)

But still. He's ahead of Rose, Mayo, Love, Westbrook, Lopez, Rudy, and everybody else. It's a nice bit of symbolism, if nothing else.

I will suspend my disbelief about PER. Greg is starting to come on. This doesn't claim that he's the second best rookie. But at this rate, pretty soon, he will need to be in the conversation. If he can stay on the court.

Two weeks ago, I worried that Greg won't be picked for the rookie team at the all star game. Not anymore.