
OT: what could have been? Sprite commercials to role player.

I was watching the spurs/suns game last night and couldn't help but fantasize about what could have been. Grant Hill had just blocked a shot, stole the ball, and went down the court for a 3 point play. It was a glimpse into what was. Sure Grant can still play, in fact i wouldn't mind his professional attitude on a team such as ours. I remember watching games as a teenager and seeing what could have been. Was he going to be the next superstar? Hill won the rookie of the rookie of the year (shared with Kidd), while averaging 20 points, 6.5 rebounds, and 5 assists (B-Royish numbers). The first 6 years of his career were magnificent, he was destined to become a hall of fame inductee, yet despair was just over the hill . The ankle injury didn't kill his career , but it certainly ended his run at the hall. I feel for the man even if he does not want people, such as myself, wondering what could have been.

Last night I was saddened by what I saw. I saw a man that plays for the game, a man that would sit on the bench to see his team win. I want to see grant hill on sprite commercials, I want to see grant hill posterizing muther uckers, I want to see grant hill and his smile on the front of ESPN the magazine. Hill is a classy individual that was unfortunate enough to have a career changing injury. We as blazer fans know what it is like to see your key players go down with injuries, luckily known have proven as detremental as Hill's. I feel for the guy because he has been forgotten. The announcers barely mentioned Hill last night, yet i think of him all the time. Ever since that alley-oop in college (second play of highlight real:here) i have been a fan of the guy. Maybe this is a pointless blog or maybe not. I know there are a ton of fans on this website, not only fans of the blazers, but fans of the sport. Well grant hill was and still is a student of the sport and I love it.

Even though he is no more than a role player I still want to get rimchecked while idolizing a "superstar".commercial

I want to know what BE thinks. If it weren't for the injury, would Grant Hill not only be considered a lock for the Hall of fame, but one of best to ever play?

I think he could be right up there with some of the greats. If you take a look at his numbers, you just might think the same.stats