


(我有点惊讶,在过去的几个小时里没有人提到这篇文章。我想每个人都有自己的生活今晚都没去过O-live。到目前为止,德雷·米勒说了关于不做首发后卫的“所有正确的事情”:)(顺便说一句,我的“评论”在括号里)“我认为我处理得很好,”米勒说。“我并没有对此大惊小怪。这并没有影响到我的训练方式。我是说,就是不一样。我没想到在我职业生涯的这个阶段会发生这种事。我想我还在巅峰。但这是生意的一部分。 I'm not making a big deal about it." "I think it pretty much comes down to how well the team played last year," said Miller..."You know, they won 54 games, or however many games they won last year. So if I was a coach, I probably wouldn't want to change that either." (Roy's take...) "Coming into the season, a lot of people had their doubts about me and Andre, and I wondered too," Roy said. "But I didn't think it would happen right away. And that's why I'm not panicking that it hasn't happened yet, or that we haven't clicked yet. To be honest I expected it. Because we are similar. I've come to realization that I'm better with the basketball, that's my strength. And I'm looking at it, and Andre's strength is with the basketball. So, I think it will work ... I just don't know how soon." (And Nate's way of thinking...) "(Miller) is still trying to learn our sets and how we want to attack, and basically playing the style we play," McMillan said after Thursday's exhibition game. "I want the ball in his hands. Him creating with that ball in pick-and-roll situations. He's still getting a feel for how we want to play." When it was noted to McMillan that Miller appeared to be one of his better players during the preseason, the coach didn't disagree. "Yeah, he's good. He's a pro," McMillan said. "He can really help us. We want him attacking, being aggressive, and doing the things he does." (Here's the scary part, for those of you who want to see the second "unit" running the fast break, a lot) Miller said that idea is fine, but during the preseason he never felt an emphasis or the ability to run much. Instead, Miller said McMillan "pretty much controls how the game goes from the bench." "The same type of style they play here, I played in Philly, but we wanted to get the ball out in transition, whereas (in Portland) it's more of a controlled tempo," Miller said. "You know, play late in the shot clock. We can (fast-break) here, but that's not the style they want to play. I played this style in college for four years, so I think I can adjust to any style, it's just going to take a bit. Then everything will be all right." (OMG, Andre is going to run the bench unit like they're the Utah Utes!? McMillian's Jedi mind control tactics seem to be working...) "Actually, I feel like I'm a rookie right now," Miller said. "I'm still hungry, still motivated. Just a different situation. They have a way they want to play, and I feel I can play that way. You know, Coach has made a decision and I have to roll with it." Miller called his preseason play "decent," mainly because he felt he should be in better shape. And he said he is already over the oddity of not being an opening-night starter. "If anything, I'm going to play," Miller said. "If I don't play, I guess there is something wrong with me, or I'm not good enough. But I'm here to contribute and help the team. I'm not here to cause conflict." (What? Me worry?)