
Best Wishes and Speedy Recovery Nico!


Watching the opening game on Tuesday and seeing Nicolas on the sideline, I couldn't help but think how young he looked and how very scary this entire surgery must be for him. Heck, surgery is scary when you are in your own home town with your family...I can't imagine what it would be like be so far away from your family and everything you know. I want to use this Fan Post to let Nic know that we will be thinking of him and wish him a safe journey into the depths of SoCal and to hurry home to Portland!

Nicolas, we have all watched you flourish here with the Trailblazers and feel as if you are part of our family, even if it is only as a fan on the outside looking in...please know we are thinking of you during your surgery and wish for you a speedy recovery.

Warm wishes and prayers!

Your adoring Fans