
This makes sence....

Yes Nate has a tough job. Yes, Blake is are starting pg. Yes we signed Marcus(not LA) to a big contract. Yes, TO will never get it. Yes, Brandon Roy cant afford to let Denver stick around, then turn it on. Yes, Greg still looks timid and scared underneath the basket(but is getting better).

I can go on and on.

1- I am soooooo tired of watching Marcus disapear in the second half. This may be that the ball is in Roy's hand more times than not. With that said, I blame Nate. Why dont we mix it up instead of the same 1-4 set everytime. It's too predictable. That was the reason that Roy had to pass it to Greg. G.Karl knew what was coming and the D collapsed forcing Roy to give it to someone else. Nate, set up a play for Martell to throw the D off. Post Marcus up. Do some thing different please!

2- TheSpurs,湖人队,CelticsandMagichave the same rotation every night. They dont substitute every two minutes. These coaches allow a group to gain rythym until foul trouble comes into play. Why was our second unti ending the 2nd quarter last night. Why did Roy come in with 19.7 seconds left? It made no sence to me!

3- Is it time to start thinking about R. Adleman coming back to Portland?