
It's all Batum's fault? Just kidding Nico.

Going into today we should of been 3 and 0, but the shoulder injury to Batum through off the game plan? It was going to be Hockey style change outs for this team durring the first half of these games. Either group could start but these would of been the groups B Roy's group was LMA, Batum, Blake and Prisbilla this group would play for about 8 to 10 min.'s the other Millers group would come in and play 8 to 10 min.'s before another group rotation came in. Only under the most dire cases would a sub be made Bayless for a Guard, Howard for centers and forewards. Durring the time on the bench coaches, and player could be formulating the game plan for their time on the floor. I know this sounds very unconventional to those who believe in traditional rotations but I'll give you the reasons for this.

1. Allows practice time and roles clearly defined, for all players. ( this is what people are complaining about that the players look a little lost out on the court)

2. Gives all player court time on a deep roster. Plus by using this Hockey style change of rotation players who are suited to each others style. Such as Miller and Oden together with a game plan could be devistating. B Roy and LMA would do excatly what they do together. Both units could be really aggresive, sorry but I really feel this would of been a lot better than what's been going on.

3. Plus minus would be clearly defined! Roles could be further defined and hot hands could be better used in the second half if needed.

The players are not being utilized to their fullest at this time B Roy has tried to put the team on his back these last 2 games, but if the roles were better defined. Hopefully this would not of been the case. So for those who thought Batum going down was not that big a deal for this team. I want to say NOT SO!

I wish Nico the best and a speedy recovery as he is really mised!