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名称FG% FGA - FGM 3A - 3M 3FG%


LMA - .537%22 - 41 - -

网页 - .474%9 - 19 3 - 6 .500%

奥登 - .455%5 - 11 - -

布莱克- 231% 3 - 13 2 - 9.222%

Andre-323%10 - 31 1 - 5 .200%

约耳-。375% 3 - 8 - -

Travis- .367%11 - 30 3 - 9 .333%

鲁迪.522%12 - 23 5 - 14 .357%

它的耀眼易于发现。Blake,Miller和Outhaw都在Par下表演。看看他们的前3场比赛。当然,到目前为止,他们每个人都有一个体面的游戏,但是一个体面的比赛与两个完全蹩脚的游戏等于......那些上面的数字!首先是布莱克,他现在如此冷,他需要在那个球衣下的Eskimo Parka!在2pt和3pt的时候,他会非常拍摄。当您在3点读得分者的算作中,在您的镜头之一时占用30%的镜头是伤害我们的大时间。但是.231%几乎不可原谅。Blakes Gameline VS丹佛在2PT和3PT的0 - 3的东西,他只有3次助攻和1次偷(相同的游戏米勒在3PT和0 - 3的3-1次上3 - 3助攻)。 Not good production from our PG's so far. Another glaring dark spot(oxy moron) has been the disappearance of Travis. He came out in the first game and blew everyone away like a true Outlaw! Since then he's been riding the dusty trail off to lala land. His overall fg% isnt too bad, but its only decent because he had such a great first game. Versus Denver Trav went 0 - 8 on 2pt's and 0 - 1 on 3 pts. Another thing pops out at me, Martell is actually hot right now. Hes shooting great, and making good decisions. Right now his play is great--the only problem-- his teammates arent getting him the ball enough or he isnt shooting it enough when he gets it. Hes only takin 19 shots and 6 3pt attempts. This is terrible for us if you consider the fact that some of our cold shooters are shooting more than Web who is hot right now. Right now, Roy, LMA, Rudy, Web and Oden are playing great. Odens 5 - 11 is fine with me for now. He has been a defensive beast and the offense hasnt been needed from him. Even so he's hit almost %50 of his shots. And speaking of defense, lets now look at some defensive stats.

首先,我们的盖帽排名第一,这要感谢奥登,但乔尔也得到了他的盖帽。我们还拥有NBA最高的篮板球百分比。奥登在篮板上排名第16,但他的上场时间也是前16名球员中最少的(23分钟)。奥登23分钟,波什39分钟,霍华德33分钟,这就是为什么格雷格排名16而不是前五的原因。只有蒂姆-邓肯的出场时间接近格雷格,场均出场26分钟,但大个子蒂姆排名第四。我的观点是,给格雷格一场比赛35分钟的时间,他可能会是一个12 - 15个篮板的夜行男。不管怎样,作为一个团队,我们的篮板比所有对手都要好。到目前为止,我们得到132个篮板,而对手得到101个;我们的进攻篮板是38个,而对手只有27个。这是巨大的!积木也是我们的强项。 So far we have 25 blocks compared to 6 for our opponents! Steals is any area we need to pick it up in. So far we have 18 steals compared to 24 for our opponents. Turnovers are certainly killing us. We average 16 per game! Thats horrible! We had 15 to's last night alone! 7 to's vs Denver and 26 in the first game vs Houston! Our teams ast/to is just a paltry 1.21. Fastbreak points are killing us as well. We have only 13 fastbreak points compared to 36 for our opponent!

这一切对我意味着什么?首先,这意味着开拓者比大多数对手付出了两倍的努力,但仍然输掉了几场本应赢下的比赛。我觉得像布莱克,米勒和不法之徒这样的冷血杀手应该开始行动了。我认为作为一个团队,我们需要保护这个该死的球,不要把它弄丢了。尽管我不喜欢巴克利,但我必须同意他那天晚上对TNT的评价,我们需要建立一个后场的存在,而不是试图作为一支跳投球队生存下去!LMA需要把它放到架子上!!LMA和ODEN有能力在未来几年主宰这个位置,他们只是需要这么做。我们有所有的角色去竞争,他们只需要填补自己的角色。我的意思是,认真想想,我们有一个缓慢有序的单位,我们也有一个快速运行的枪支单位。我们可以在任何球队抢篮板! We have a defensive post presence now and are already outblocking our opponents by miles!! So many pieces of our puzzle are in place, now its down to the hard parts, the pieces that look like all the rest and you cant quite find their spot. Soon those pieces will begin to fall into place.

这一切对我来说是什么意思是我们有一个非常像肌肉汽车的团队。有时它坐在那里绝对安静,没有声音。但是里面,等待一个钥匙被转动是一个野兽,准备在它的道路上撕裂任何东西。所有它需要的是一点气体,并且要转动的钥匙突然间,你有一个不可阻挡的力量抵制你。它来了。你不担心的是,它来了。Nate是一个优秀的司机!很快,这条小径将与所有人的尖叫声着狂热,如黑色的黑色N白色詹姆斯迪恩轻弹燃烧的橡胶。我们所有的对手都会看到我们的烤架,然后他们会询问是否有人得到了盘号码 - 但是我们将长时间走了 - 下一个大型比赛。直到剩下一个“大游戏”。 Then and only then does that muscle car get a break, when the last race is won!


