
Sorry LeBron but no, we won't hang MJ's #23 from our rafters..


Michael Jordan, as good as he was, burned the Blazers many times over the course of his stellar career. I respect him as a player. But as a fan and someone who loves my team, it would be insulting to walk into our Rose Garden arena, look up and see MJ's jersey hanging.

I realize there are a lot of players who credit MJ as the reason they started playing basketball. Maybe LeBron is right and we wouldn't have him, Kobe, etc. All without MJ's success and impact. But honestly let the players decide. If all of the players want to boycott that number out of respect for MJ that's fine. But you don't mandate something like this.

What's next?

What if LeBron ends up with an amazing career and several rings. Are we supposed to consider retiring his number too since he started the movement? What about the rest of the great players in our league's history. Are we supposed to form a committee and figure out what other numbers we should retire too? What about Wilt Chamberlain (#13),MagicJohnson (#32) or Larry Bird (#33)? It's just a silly idea. It looks like LeBron's attempt to subtly stir the pot. Will he end up in New York next season? Oh wait, he gave up #23. Maybe he'll end up in Chicago! See what I mean? I likeLeBron Jamesas a player but he's pretty full of himself without a single ring to show for it.