
Tell Greg to shoot

Give Greg the green-light on the 12-footer.

In the first quarter of tonight’s game, Greg put up a shot from the foul line that hit back iron. Within a few possessions, Greg had the ball and was left unguarded just within the 3-point line. Instead of dribbling toward the basket for the same shot again, he didn’t even look at the basket and ultimately passed the ball away.

I think it’s the wrong play. I think he should dribble a couple of times toward the basket (we know he can do that) and at leastactlike he was going to shoot the ball. At least draw the Center so that the middle is unclogged for LaMarcus or some cutters. More likely is that he’ll continue to be unguarded, in which case he has the option for a jumper.

Now, I’m not sure how many people just burst out laughing at the thought of Greg’s jumper, but mark my words: Greg Oden can shoot the basketball. For a lot of you, this isn't news. Even when he shot 63% from the line last year, his form was spectacular. It still is, and now he’s shooting 79%. That’s damn good – nevermind comparing it to other Centers in the NBA.

His comfort level with the shot in a game, however, is completely undeveloped. Still, if it’s going to happen eventually (and it will), just give him the green light now. I think it’s a better mentality for Greg to have – look to attack at all times. It seems to me that the biggest thing holding Greg Back right now is his own head, and I want G.O. to be completely confident in himself ASAP.

Tell him to shoot it every time the shot is given to him. If the Center guards you in any fashion, don’t force a shot – pass it and hope the team can benefit from a less clogged middle for the next few seconds of the shot clock. But, like tonight, the shot will probably be given to him. "Shoot it!" says his good form and 79% free-throw percentage. Even if he misses his first 10, tell him to keep shooting. It is a small price to pay now for a valuable weapon to be used for the rest of the season.

Pretty soon, we’ll have the option to enjoy an entire shot-clock of exploring the middle without the opponents’ Center lurking at the rim – he’ll be out at the foul line watching Oden.