布莱恩·t·史密斯的哥伦布有与安德烈·米勒进行问答在采访中,他问米勒周六晚上在犹他下半场坐在替补席上是什么感觉……----------------------- 你不能控制什么教练。就像我说的,我告诉我的儿子,你可以说,‘我想玩;我想做这个,想做那个。”——马车是。没有必要大惊小怪或生气,因为教练总是对的。我不打算这么做。我不会与体制抗争;对抗教练。他做了一个决定。我处理好了。 I ain't going to be, 'Put me back in the game.' If anything, I try to take a positive out of it and observe the game from the sideline. Only thing, it was the first time in my career I only played six minutes in a game. But things happen. I understand the politics and the business atmosphere. I deal with it. Eighty-two games. So, that game was in the past — we were blown out since the first quarter anywhere. I can't do nothing about it. ----------------------- Also be sure to check out俄勒冈人的乔·弗里曼
和Nate McMillan聊天正如作者指出的hobobob在fanshots.麦克米兰说……-----------------------“嗯,很多麻烦,我们所处理的,只是执行的两种方式;防守和进攻。我不认为这是问题,这是三个人,它只是不会突然发生。那些习惯去,去,去的人,不会突然发生,现在不碰它或没有它打球,我很舒服。”----------------------- -- 本Golliver | | (benjamin.golliver@gmail.com)推特