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If Nate McMillan's message Tuesday night was his team's lack of effort, his message Thursday was something like: we're going to practice and run until you're doubled-over with exhaustion.

当媒体被列入媒体 - 在练习开始后两个以上的时间 - 这些人仍然排队射击射击和运行冲刺。几乎整个团队都翻了一番,跪在地上,吮吸风。在会议期间缺少罚球后,多个西装外套会喊出可听的亵渎,这意味着更多跑步。


I'm not sure the feeling in the gym was a sense of urgency and it definitely didn't feel like panic. But it did feel like hatches had been buttoned down. One characteristic that I've long admired about this group is their disdain for losing. Nate McMillan obviously hates to lose, Roy takes losses to heart and most everyone falls in line behind that. Good to see that hasn't changed this season.

Post-Practice Drills


First, we saw Roy, Miller and Blake working on lob passes to both Aldridge and Oden under McMillan's personal instruction. The big men were being fronted and were instructed to spin and seal their defender away from the basket. The pass was then thrown right next to the rim, designed to be caught for an alley oop or quick catch and power-up move. I can't say these passes found their mark with much regularity. But at least the focus is on developing that wing/post relationship and it was good to see Roy included in this group.

谁不包括在集团?杰里德·贝瑞尔。雷克斯与助理教练Caleb Canales获得了大量的镜头,研究了从各种斑点的跳线以及他的捕获和射击跳投。贝瑞尔在全套皱眉模式。他的五个直接DNP-CD肯定不会影响他的职业道德,这仍然是特殊的。

Blazers Wings - 韦伯斯特,Outhaw和Fernandez - 在围绕周边旋转球并伸出摇摆通过的镜头。所有三次射门球相当不错,费尔南德兹从助理教练蒙蒂威廉姆斯汲取了特别的赞扬,以便他的快速,准确的通过。在一点时,Outhaw试图用左手的反弹通过左手的球,这绘制了眉毛和“这是什么?”从Martell Webster看Pass的收件人。球在游戏期间大约1/3的速度行驶,在游戏中需要旅行,威廉姆斯介入,以便禁止一个简单的胸部通行证。

翅膀也致力于从威廉姆斯的帖子中接收踢出术通过,因为威廉姆斯的重点在滑入空间,以获得最佳射击。例如,如果Greg Ocen在左侧块上,双方组织和Outhaw在关键的顶部,威廉姆斯指示翅膀充分利用钥匙顶部周围的空间而不是在三点外设置线。在实践中,这涉及Outlaw朝着球面洗牌几步,在朝向箍的移动而不是静止的踢球上接受踢球通道。最终结果:17-18英尺的节奏跳线,有一些动量(或者,或者,如果防守速度慢慢旋转)而不是一个静止仍然是3指针,可能会把球放在甲板上的潜力并转到边缘。喜欢看这个潜力与所有三个翅膀一起发挥作用。BEBSTER和FERNANDEZ都需要将这种攻击,激进元素添加到他们的游戏中。

Roy's Thoughts on 4th Quarter Execution

在一些最近的讨论中快速跟进。作为我星期二写道,罗伊有点困惑tretch about why he struggled offensively during the fourth quarter. As Icharted yesterday, it was clear that Roy definitely had the ball in his hands and that Atlanta did a good job of playing team defense. The Hawks didn't foul him yet still managed to prevent him from scoring in close to the basket.

On Tuesday, Roy had promised to look at the tape to see what happened and we talked today about what he saw on tape.

Blazersedge: What did you see on the tape and what adjustments do you think are needed?

The biggest thing is I just gotta be more of a playmaker down the stretch of games.



Blazersedge: It seems like you were able to get by Joe Johnson without too much trouble but the rest of the Atlanta defense was helping and paying you a lot of attention.

Yeah, I feel like I've matured enough to where I can get around that first guy. Now the biggest thing is making good reads when I get to the paint. I made some but there were others that maybe I forced it.

The biggest thing is to take the play they give you every time.

Blazersedge: When you made passes in the paint, were guys ready for those passes?

Um... a couple of them I think there were some loose balls. That's going to happen. If I keep passing, they'll be ready.



Or, perhaps, do you find ways to increase Miller's involvement in the late-game offense, turning over more of the ball-handling to him and perhaps running Roy off more screens off the ball to get him looks that way?

Living and dying by Roy's reads, in the end, isn't a bad strategy at all. He has delivered consistently enough in the past -- and he is adept at drawing enough contact and getting calls -- that it is a great default strategy, especially if things are bogging down. But that doesn't mean slightly more variety is a bad thing. More Aldridge, More Miller, More Oden when he's comfortable, would all accomplish what Brandon identified as the problem -- getting the floor spread out.

-- Ben Golliver | ( |推特