
我们反应过度吗? ?到底错了多少,我们该如何弥补。

看,去年开拓者在他们头顶上打。我没想到他们会做得这么好。这需要一个巨大的赛季结束推动他们。他们提高了我的期望值。毫无疑问,今年的开拓者比去年更有天赋,化学反应该死。给什么?为什么我们输了/看起来不像以前的球队了?*我们低估了一些伤病:巴图姆是H U G e。虽然坎宁安(肯定)比亡命之徒好几光年,但我们现在非常想念亡命之徒。他可能看起来不太好,但他是最好的FBP获得者之一,并且在进攻停滞不前的情况下仍然能够创造机会。该死的,他可能是唯一一个在我们的进攻停滞不前的时候还能蓬勃发展的球员。 *We did better than expected last year, especially given our youth. *Teams are adjusting to our offensive sets. Just like players who come into the NBA with 1 solid weapon (Rudy's 3 comes to mind), we thrived until the defense adjusted to our strengths. Now its on us to take the next step and add to our repetoire. Which leads to.... *Greg Oden. Man is a monster. He is the X-Factor. But we still aren't used to playing with him. It will take time to iron out the bugs. When he comes out of the game, the offense is all of the sudden confused. Suddenly you have both Blake and Przy as offensive non-starters and teams take advantage and collapse extra on Roy. *Speaking of Roy, anyone else think that time he took away from bball this summer may have been a mistake? He looks sloppy dribbling, a step slow, and like he expected to be able to come back and just 'turn it on' like Nate said at season's start. Roy would do well to realize how much work they put in last season to get where they did. And for god's sake, 1/2 from the line is not acceptable. *But back to Nate, he needs to show flexibility and creativity. Flexibility in playing the hot hand (kudos for giving Oden 30+ this game vs Miami, even if we lost, he looked great and it was the right move) and creativity in offensive schemes. He could do the latter by trusting Andre more. *Andre has a knack for the "super assist". He needs more time and looser reigns. He is bringing Oden out of his shell and motivating him. Sure Oden was OK with not touching the ball, but do you see how his eyes light up now? I mean, come on, he says "my bad" to Roy for not aiming his block into Roy's hands. Let Andre's creativity come to the forefront and shine. There's a lot more that could be said but I have a lot of work to get back to so I'll open it up to comments. We are on a 3 game losing streak but so what. 12-8 is still above the BS line.