不幸的是,Kevin Pritchard说目前还没有交易。我想可能有公牛队.米勒,布莱克和亡命之徒(权利维克多闲谈或者明年的第一轮选秀)加上300万美元现金,托马斯亚伦灰色。工资几乎是一样的。公牛队获得额外800万美元的到期合同(他们肯定会好好利用下个赛季)+闲谈的权利(或下一年选)+米勒是一年前的书比-辛里奇在200万美元便宜,他们可以使用300万美元协助布莱克买下400万美元的合同。开拓者得到了联盟中防守最好的控球后卫之一。这意味着贝利斯将得到更多的上场时间。我希望。他们还将得到泰瑞斯·托马斯和格雷,后者将在五人组中提供帮助。内特和罗伊说他们想在4号位置放一头野兽。我觉得泰瑞斯够格。他很快就会回来。 The Bulls haven't offered Tyrus a qualifying offer and will probably lose him for nothing. Is bringing in Tyrus a risky move? Definitely. But so what. To get ahead in life you have to risks and chances. You have to roll the dice. I think Tyrus will be an awesome aquisition. He’s long, athletic and, best of all, a game changer. I’m confident he’ll be a fantastic player for the Blazers, especially due to all the injuries. I do like Outlaw. But his numbers this season are crap, end of story, especially with his shooting % If you were an NBA general manager, who would you rather have on your team? Tyrus or Outlaw? For me, it’s Tyrus. So I hope we can make this trade with the Bulls. Go da Blazers!!!