

我在6:30到达那里,在Tipoff之前完整1.5小时,直接走到地座椅上,看看Blake拍摄似乎是1/2小时(带着一些随机助理守卫他)。Monty是唯一的其他人在地板上,他是一些顺利设定的镜头和他的烧烤队的脚步。好看的冲程。喊出米饭,但他没有听到我的声音。湖西是一位古老的家伙;我注意到他随便离开外套的隧道,驼背,用Realalllyy微小的步骤一直到他的ESPN展位。就在那时,在提示前剩下约20分钟,其中一个ushers来到我身边,说我不得不去我的座位(流鼻血),所以我看不到任何男人特写,但有一个漂亮的游戏的体面看法。Pregame Harmups没有什么特别的。马蒂着火了; Roy looked lackadaisical, Aldridge didn't miss once from top of the key; all in all, they looked loose and ready to go. Roy stood for the national anthem. I have to give it up for the Cavs for putting on quite a pregame introduction. Easily the best in the country, and even got me pumped (just a bit).

第一季度是平均水平。布莱克制造了通常的错误并杀死了一些快速的休息,但我们以某种方式留下了大约。Marty击中了几张镜头,继续他的热情。罗伊看起来非常邋..第二季度是一个完整的“言论”。Howard和Bayless,与Miller有效的增压相结合得很好。他们在D(区域全年的第一次看起来很奇怪),而这些家伙则领先。我周围的粉丝被罗伊相对沉默,波特兰仍然舒适地赢得胜利。霍华德的镜头,米勒的两篇三个三队带来了最明显的呻吟声。But near the end of the second quarter, LeBron and his crew figured out a way to fight the zone, and got an easy dunk for Shaq (2000, game 7 style-- you know what I’m talkin about), but he was called for an offensive foul. Still, they knew what to do once the third quarter rolled around.

骑士队带来了恢复活力的侵略性,开始季度,而D'D-Up。在此期间,布莱克非常稳定,罗伊击中了几张镜头,但我们的防守是easmal。沙克野兽乔尔 - 无论如何都要说出来。Przybilla最初有一个很好的街区,但之后,Shaqtus接管了,LBJ开始击中一些艰难的跳投。我真的在本赛季第一次看到了一个Miller-Roy-PG / SG Combo!但不幸的是,它并没有太有效。每当罗伊有球上面,就可以挑选阿尔德里奇或辫子立即来,促使罗伊开车。在拐角处用米勒,他的男人帮助肥沃,布兰登无处可去。这个阵容需要大量的工作,并且对我来说,这是它的第一次尝试之一,但我相信这两者可以让它在一段时间内工作。webby的d留下了很多东西; he was a step slow when fanning out to shooters, and had trouble moving his feet against LeBron. Also, considering how hot he was in the first quarter, he was ridiculously tentative in putting up shots, and displayed zero confidence in the ones he did attempt. I really don't see any improvement in his offense from his rookie year, when all Blazer fans were waiting on him to get through that "mental block." As this was happening, the crowd regained the fever pitch it had pregame. The "Q" as the fans call the arena colloquially can get quite loud. Granted a lot of the cheers were not spontaneous and required prolonged prompts from the loudspeaker, and the pumped in bass was excruciatingly annoying, it was a pretty exciting atmosphere... until my migraine that I had in the morning resurfaced. But still, a decent crowd.

西装外套肯定没有看起来他们在第三个之后缺乏任何信心,但我感受到了竞技场嗡嗡作响的紧张局势。我觉得教练迪恩不得不玩罗伊来制定一个语气来开始四分之一来恢复其中一些失去的势头,并令我惊讶的是,罗伊开始了 - 只能被带出两场比赛。我们回到了我们的区D(但这一次,Sans Bayless),这是可怕的。Aldridge超出了相当多的时间,米勒甚至没有尝试掩盖他的地面,骑士(威廉姆斯和瓦莱岛)挑选和滚动我们死亡。另一方面,布莱克,在他的男人面前充分善于善于善于善于善于善于善于善意。播放区的一个问题之一,播放者(*艾姆,湖泊和米饭*)是对反弹的影响,在第四季度很明显。罗伊回来了,不久之后,罗伊 - 五次罪行开始了,经过一些失败的尝试在帖子中喂食Aldridge。为了进一步扩展,他讨厌联系人很明显。他几乎每次挑选,并弹出希望磨碎的拐角。骑士闻到了那场比赛,洛杉矶终于去了箍,犯了污染。 Good, right? Or so I thought. After this play, he seemed to shy away from contact even more than usual. With the pick and roll/ pick and pop covered, the Blazers tried to post up Aldridge against Varejao. The key word being, "tried." He couldn't budge Varejao, and Miller and Roy had difficulty passing the ball to LA, with Andy playing a cover/hedge (sorta like fronting). The finish was anticlimactic. Roy took over for Webs in guarding James and did as good of a job on him as anyone on our team. But soon, the Cavs started picking Brandon and had Blake switched onto James in a 1-4. Suffice to say, that didn’t work out. Also, the block looked legit, but I only had one look, and that was live where it seemed good. I missed the replay, but I saw Brandon vehemently arguing and motioning his hands/arms/etc, in a demonstrative way for almost half of the next timeout towards the refs.

来自罗伊的子比赛比赛的一种适合的夜晚。他的镜头在多个场合看着Waayyy,他无法进入一个凹槽。但是,这与安东尼帕克省一点不做。去年我记得猛禽游戏(在家里)在第四季度派克帕克,并且最初希望今晚同样希望,但骑士队发挥了极大的团队防守,我们的间距非常糟糕。裁判似乎也吞下了他里面的几个驱动器的吹口哨。我只能看到这个家伙玩过一次或两次,所以我迫切希望更好的郊游。尽管如此,我仍然对我们的人才差距造成这种损失。没有深度前期,特别是,杀死了我们。作为一个深刻的反失败者,我不得不承认他今晚可以帮助我们。地狱,鲁迪可能会帮助。 Batum could’ve helped. ODEN could’ve helped. Ugh. Get better soon, everyone.