
对Jerryd Bayless“突破”的一些看法


我在O Live上发表了这篇简短的评论,结果我经常觉得这篇评论太棒了;),所以我不得不把它发布在开拓者边缘,这样我就能从真正的铁杆粉丝那里得到一些反应。看来评判杰瑞德的标准和其他球员不一样。我认为这是因为他是我们的状元,而去年的选秀带着很多希望和期待。再加上他在夏季联赛MVP的表现,你就会看到这样的情况:一半的球迷认为他是一个稳稳当当地的全明星球员,另一半则认为他只是一个被过度炒作的未来破灭者。目前为止,他的上场时间很少,所以没有人能对这个孩子有一个一致的解读。(他还是个孩子。)让我们找一些有远见的人。也许真相介于两者之间。也许他只是一个能为球队做出可靠贡献的人。我不同意(杰弗里·阿诺德的说法),杰里德必须在接下来的几场比赛中证明他可以一直打高水平的比赛。 And he certainly doesn't need to prove anything against Orlando tonight. His so-called "break-out performance" last night simply cemented the fact that this kid deserves consistent playing time over the long-haul, not spotty minutes here and there. And now i will digress. I personally think it's obvious that Andre Miller should be traded. He's a good player, but he doesn't fit in here chemistry-wise, or basketball-wise. I could go into a long diatribe about how he doesn't fit in basketball-wise, but I won't. I just want to quickly address the chemistry aspect. We all know that Jerryd is a firey guy on the court, and personally I love that. But let me ask two quick questions: Did you see the way Jerryd bear-hugged Brandon Roy near the end of that Pheonix game? Can you imagine Andre Miller doing that? I can't, and that's why I think Jerryd is perfect for this team, and fits in as one of many talented contributors. To the question of where I think we should go with Jerryd from here, I think he and Blake should be the Blazers' point guards. Jerryd can come off the bench with the second unit at first. But eventually I think Jerryd can be Brandon's back-court mate on the first unit. (How soon, I'm not sure. But the way this season is shaping-up, I'd be inclined to say the sooner the better.) Jerryd can take the ball across, and Brandon can run the point in the half-court when he wants, and have Jerryd play off the ball. This would be much like how the Blazers started out the season, only it was Steve Blake who shared the back-court duties with Roy. Anyway, that's my take. I'd love to hear your comments.