


“卡尔-兰德里开玩笑说,他想要的圣诞礼物就是他那颗‘两颗门牙’,他在周一恢复了训练,并宣称自己的身体状况足以参加今晚的比赛。事实上,兰德里在周五晚上与达拉斯的德克·诺维茨基相撞后,被问到他是否会出战洛杉矶快船队时,他表示怀疑。“为什么不呢?“我很好,”他说。兰德里忍受了六个小时的手术来修复他的牙齿。他说有两根被夹在了他的牙龈线上,他有临时修复。他说,他现在只能吃软食品,比如汤、酸奶和“健康食品”,他不确定什么时候才能恢复吃固体食品。“这并不能阻止我,”兰德里说。“没有生命危险。有点疼。 We all go through things in life where it's kind of painful. You fall, but you get back up again, and that's what I did.' His teammates weren't surprised Landry is back so soon. 'He's tough,' Tracy McGrady said. 'It's happened to him a couple of times -- it's nothing new to him. He's just got to keep his teeth in his mouth.' "